Monday, May 21, 2012

Shower Curtain Love

I'm in love with West Elm. I found the greatest shower curtain EVER there. It looks fantastic in my bathroom. Amazing really. A little feminine, but not frilly. Here, I'll show you. (I must apologize though, as I took this photo on my cell phone, as my camera got a bit chilly when I was in Barrow, you know, on top of the world.)
I love my shower curtain!
Wait a minute, is that the same bathroom as before? Why yes, yes it is.

I came across West Elm when I was searching for a paint color for my bedroom. I saw a series they did with Benjamin Moore, and the perfect, most amazing paint color for my room (more on that later!). But I also found their shower curtains. And their bedding. I just knew I had to go to one of their stores.

In Portland after New Year's this year, I sought out West Elm. And my mother and I explored the store for a couple hours. And I found this most perfect shower curtain. I'd been using a fabric liner before, and it was lonely. It desperately needed a friend. (I used double-sided rings so I could hang the liner and the curtain on the same rod and they have a smidgen of breathing room.) So I brought it some flowers, and butterflies. Everyone likes flowers and butterflies. Even shower curtain liners.

Turns out, this shower curtain inspired the entire look of my bathroom. I'll show you more, later.

Check out West Elm here.

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